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D项下临时合同澳博app个人冲突归责于用人单位.C. 规则1.10取决于澳博app与事务所关系的性质和程度,以及临时澳博app接触事务所客户机密信息的程度. 临时合同澳博app,偶尔为同一家公司处理几个不同的项目, 或者在一个项目上花更长的时间, 如果招聘公司没有或以其他方式给人留下临时合同澳博app与该公司有持续关系的印象,就不会与该公司“有关联”吗, and the firm institutes appropriate safeguards to ensure that the temporary contract lawyer does not have access to the firm’s confidential client information except for the specific matter or matters on which he is working.

除了, 临时合同澳博app和招聘公司必须保护所有客户信息的机密性, 公司必须采取适当措施,避免获得临时合同澳博app在前一份工作中了解到的机密和秘密. 


  • 规则1.6(信息保密)
  • 规则1.9(对前客户的责任)
  • 规则1.10(推定取消资格:一般规则)
  • 规则4.4(尊重第三人权利)


委员会收到a澳博app事务所的一名临时合同澳博app的询问, 谁在多方案件中代表一方. 临时合同澳博app被雇来执行的项目结束了, A澳博app事务所终止合同. 该案的诉讼仍在继续. B澳博app事务所, 代表与a澳博app事务所在同一案件或实质性相关案件中所代表的当事人相反的另一方当事人的澳博app事务所, 想聘请临时合同澳博app处理一件不相关的事情.1

临时合同澳博app将只为B澳博app事务所处理一件事, 执行诸如消化转录本和审查发现文档以获得响应性和特权之类的任务. 临时合同澳博app通过一些临时服务机构工作,根据这些机构的安排,B澳博app事务所支付临时合同澳博app的服务费用.

临时合同澳博app可能在B澳博app事务所的附属办事处工作, 本质上是一个类似呼叫中心的仓库, 但是用计算机终端代替电话. 另外, the temporary contract lawyer might work in a conference room or other utility space onsite at B澳博app事务所 set up specifically for the project that is segregated from the rest of the firm’s premises. The documents pertaining to the temporary contract lawyer's assignment would be accessed electronically by a secure line restricted to review of the documents only for the single unrelated matter. 基于这些事实, 临时合同澳博app问,在D项下,他的个人冲突是否会归咎于B澳博app事务所.C. 规则1.10(b).

委员会还认识到,由于D . c .的归责规定.C. 规则1.10(b), temporary contract lawyers often may have difficulty surviving a firm’s conflict review process because they frequently move from one law firm to another and repeatedly go through the conflicts review process. 因此,他们找工作的能力可能会受到严重限制. 因此, 我们还提供了一些关于临时合同澳博app可能与招聘公司“关联”的情况的一般指导, 他的矛盾也因此归咎于律所.



代理人:不是合伙人的人,受雇于执业者或澳博app事务所从事某一特定项目或事项,或在一段固定的或有限的时间内工作. 如果这段关系有望无限期地持续下去, 不管它是否真的起作用, [澳博app不被视为临时澳博app]. 

D.C. 法律伦理意见第284号(1998年). 委员会注意到,无限期地只在一家公司工作的非全时澳博app不是临时澳博app. 委员会指出,“临时澳博app可直接雇用或通过职业介绍所收费雇用, 可以由澳博app事务所或代理机构直接支付.” Id. 委员会还认识到,在雇用公司和临时合同澳博app之间有各种各样的就业安排. Id. 结果是, 临时合同澳博app是否与公司“有关联”将取决于每种情况的事实和情况.

D.C. 规则1.第10(b)条规定了澳博app从一家事务所转到另一家事务所时的冲突归责. 该规则在有关部分规定:

当一名澳博app与一家公司有联系时, 律所不得在知情的情况下代表某人处理与…相同的事务, 或实质上与…相关, a matter with respect to which the lawyer had previously represented a client whose interests are materially adverse to that person and about whom the lawyer in fact acquired information protected by 规则1.那是重要的.

因此, 通常, 如果一个澳博app离开一个澳博app事务所到另一个澳博app事务所工作, the lawyer’s new firm would be prohibited from representing a client with interests materially adverse to those of the lawyer’s former client in the same or substantially related matter if the lawyer has material confidential information about the matter. 看到 D.C. 规则1.10日,cmt. [17](“[U]根据(b)段), 如果一个澳博app离开一家公司去了另一家公司, the new affiliation would preclude the lawyer’s new firm from continuing to represent clients with interests materially adverse to those of the lawyer’s former clients in the same or substantially related matters.”); D.C. 规则1.10日,cmt. [15] (“The provisions of paragraphs (b) and (c) which refer to possession of protected information operate to disqualify the firm only when the lawyer involved has actual knowledge of information protected by 规则1.6.”); D.C. 规则1.(“(c)段准许的情况除外。, (d), 或(e), a lawyer shall not knowingly: (1) reveal a confidence or secret of the lawyer’s client; (2) use a confidence or secret of the lawyer’s client to the disadvantage of the client; (3) use a confidence or secret of the lawyer’s client for the advantage of the lawyer or of a third person.”).2

D.C. 规则1.第10(b)条只适用于澳博app“与事务所有关联”的情况.注释[1]D.C. 规则1.第10条提供了关于澳博app在事务所中何时有关联的指导:

两名从业人员共用办公空间,偶尔互相咨询或协助,通常不被视为构成一家事务所. 然而, 如果他们以某种方式向公众展示自己,表明他们是一家公司或以一家公司的方式行事, 就规则而言,他们应被视为一家公司. 联营澳博app之间任何正式协议的条款都与确定他们是否为一家公司有关, 事实上,他们可以相互接触他们所服务的客户的机密信息.

D.C. 规则1.10日,cmt. [1].

委员会以前曾审议过合同澳博app是否与D . b .项下的公司有联系.C. 规则1.10(a)3澳博app事务所以合约方式聘请该澳博app事务所前澳博app,协助向该澳博app事务所的客户提供法律服务. 看到 D.C. 法律伦理意见255 (1995). 在这种情况下, 这位前澳博app没有出现在该公司的信笺上,也没有出现在该公司澳博app的其他名单上. 该公司不让这位澳博app接触有关公司客户的机密信息,因为他没有作为独立承包人受雇. Id. 除了, the firm’s promotional materials and letters to clients that mentioned his availability would make clear that he was available to work on specific matters on a case–by–case basis and that he was not going to have a continuing relationship with the firm. Id. 根据这些事实,委员会的结论是:

澳博app与某公司的临时联合, 具体问题具体分析并不能创造出那种持续的关系, 根据第1节触发归咎.10 of the individual lawyer’s disqualifications to the firm—except with respect to the individual matters on which the lawyer is associated with the firm—so long as the firm does not create the impression among its clients or the public at large that such a continuing relationship exists.


委员会还讨论了共用办公空间和(或)服务的澳博app是否与D.C. 规则1.10. 看到 D.C. 法律操守意见303 (2001). The Committee opined that attorneys participating in such arrangements must take all steps reasonably necessary to protect the confidentiality of their individual client information and the independence of their respective practices. Id. 委员会还说,任何分担安排的结构都应避免造成澳博app彼此有关联的印象. Id. 委员会的结论是,办公室和(或)服务共用安排可能给参加的澳博app造成归因冲突, 但指出,任何具体情况都必须根据具体情况进行评估. Id.

正如对规则1的评论.我们的初步意见是, 临时合同澳博app是否与招聘公司“有关联”将取决于澳博app与该公司关系的范围, 澳博app为公司服务的时间长短, 还有他可能会接触到公司的机密客户信息. 该分析不受招聘公司或合同代理机构是否直接支付临时合同澳博app的影响.

在本调查提出的具体情况下, 临时合同澳博app过去或现在与澳博app事务所B没有联系. B澳博app事务所聘请他为一个有限期限的项目工作. 他将在远离公司办公空间的单独地点工作,或者在公司内部的隔离区域工作. 他对公司和客户机密信息的电子访问仅限于他所从事的特定项目. 我们认为,在这种情况下,临时合同澳博app不会与招聘公司(澳博app事务所B)“有关联”。, 因此, 他的冲突不会归咎于D下的B澳博app事务所.C. 规则1.10(b). 相应的, 招聘公司必须对临时合同澳博app将为公司工作的事项进行冲突检查.

另一方面, 在公司办公场所工作的临时合同澳博app, 为公司同时处理多个项目, 是否在公司网站或其他目录上列出, 并有权访问公司的电子邮件系统和电子文件将“关联”承包公司.

与此形成鲜明对比的是, a temporary contract lawyer who works intermittently with the same firm on a small number of projects or on one long–term assignment would not be “associated with” the contracting firm so long as the firm does not have an ongoing relationship with the temporary contract lawyer. 承包公司还必须避免给人留下这样的印象,即临时合同澳博app与公司有“联系”,因为公司的信笺上有他的名字, 网站或其他目录, 允许他使用公司的名片, 或者把他作为公司的长期成员介绍给客户和其他人. 除了, 事务所必须采取一切适当措施,确保临时合同澳博app只能接触到他正在处理的事务的机密客户信息.4

在临时合同澳博app与招聘公司没有“联系”的情况下, 临时合同澳博app和招聘公司仍然有专业责任义务. 临时合同澳博app必须保存在其先前受雇期间了解到的任何机密客户信息. 看到 D.C. 规则1.6(g)(“澳博app在其雇佣关系终止后仍有义务为委托人保守秘密.”); D.C. 规则1.10日,cmt. [16]“独立于公司丧失资格的问题, 更换澳博app的职业协会有持续的义务为以前代理的客户的信息保密. 见规则1.6.”).

澳博app事务所必须建立保障措施,以防止不当披露或滥用公司的机密客户信息, 包括与临时合同澳博app讨论他有义务避免获得此类信息,并签署保密协议以纪念这一谅解. 看到 D.C. 规则4.4(a)(“在代表委托人时……澳博app不得故意使用侵犯……[第三方]人合法权利的取证方法.”). 如果临时合同澳博app位于公司的办公场所, 公司必须采取额外的预防措施,以确保临时合同澳博app不会接触到公司的机密客户信息. The firm should locate the temporary contract lawyer in a place that is plainly designated for the temporary contract lawyer so that firm personnel will not leave confidential information in that space. 其他保护措施可能包括保护文件柜和包含机密客户文件的存储区域, 通知澳博app和员工不要与临时合同澳博app讨论事务所的案件, instructing attorneys and staff about their obligations to preserve the confidential information of the firm’s clients and maintaining appropriate oversight over firm employees to ensure that they comply with these obligations. 看,e.g. D.C. 法律伦理意见279(1998)(讨论有效筛选的要素,以避免归因冲突).

招聘公司还必须采取措施,避免获得临时合同澳博app在前一份工作中了解到的任何机密客户信息. 看到 D.C. 规则4.4(a); D.C. 法律伦理意见第285号(1998)(规则4.4 prohibits attorneys in law firms that hire former government employees with confidential government information from inducing the employee to disclose privileged or statutorily protected information); D.C. 法律伦理意见227(1992)(认为公司不得利用澳博app助理在前工作期间获得的任何机密或秘密).


临时合同澳博app是否与招聘公司“有关联”.C. 规则1.10(b) is a fact-bound inquiry and will depend on the scope and nature of the temporary contract attorney’s relationship with the firm and the potential for his exposure to the confidences and secrets of the firm’s clients for matters on which he is not working. 当一个临时合同澳博app为一个公司做一个项目时, 是否与公司的办公空间隔离, 也无法接触到公司其他客户的机密信息, 他不愿与承包公司有任何关系, 他的矛盾不能归咎于D.C. 规则1.10(b).

临时合同澳博app和招聘公司必须保留任何机密的客户信息, 公司应该采取适当的预防措施来保护这些信息. 招聘公司也应该采取适当的措施来保护临时合同澳博app在之前的工作中了解到的机密信息.



1. 临时合同澳博app本人不得为D项下的对方当事人从事相同或实质相关的事务.C. 规则1.除非原客户同意. 看到维.C. 规则1.9 (“A lawyer who has previously represented a client in a matter shall not represent another person in the same or a substantially related matter in which that person’s interests are materially adverse to the interests of the former client unless the former client gives informed consent.”).
2. 客户可以放弃公司在D.C. 规则1.10参见D.C. 规则1.10(d)(“受影响的客户可在规则1规定的条件下放弃本规则规定的取消资格.7.").
3. D.C. 规则1.第10(a)条规定:“澳博app在事务所内联营, 当规则1禁止任何澳博app单独执业时,任何澳博app均不得在知情的情况下代表客户.7 or 1.9, 除非:(1)禁止澳博app个人代理是基于规则1所述澳博app的利益.7(b)(4) and that interest does not present a significant risk of adversely affecting the representation of the client by the remaining lawyers in the firm; or (2) the representation is permitted by 规则 1.11, 1.12, or 1.18.”
4. 有些公司可能没有临时合同澳博app的办公场所, 而且公司的办公场所可能没有设备为他们提供一个隔离的空间. 在这个例子中, 只有当招聘公司能够证明其他实际安排不可行时,招聘公司才能避免将临时合同澳博app的冲突归责, 它采用了本意见中讨论的预防措施或其功能等效.
