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Over the years, the 非营利组织 Legal Assistance Program at the D.C. 酒吧 公益性服务 Center has provided pro bono counsel for ongoing legal representation to over 500 nonprofits.

The following are the stories of some of the nonprofits we have matched with pro bono legal counsel:

希望社区’s mission is to improve the health and quality of life of low–income individuals in the District by providing health care, housing with supportive services, 受教育机会, 精神上的支持.

增加服务, 希望社区 wanted to construct a new 50,000–square–foot Health and Resource Center in Ward 8. It would house 18 patient examining rooms, 一个实验室, 程序的房间, and a separate dental floor, which includes 11 dental chairs for cleaning, x射线, 馅料, 和假牙. This new facility is now complete and accommodates 22,000次就诊, 15,000次牙科检查, 和3,500 behavioral health visits annually.

When 希望社区 began work on the facility, the organization needed assistance with the purchase and development of the property. The 非营利组织 Legal Assistance Program matched 希望社区 with Patton Boggs.

《澳博app》 is a biweekly newspaper about the homeless experience in D.C. The organization offers jobs for the homeless and formerly homeless as writers and vendors.

With a growing presence of almost 200 vendors in the community, 《澳博app》 sought assistance in developing a risk management strategy. The 非营利组织 Legal Assistance Program matched the organization with Hunton & 威廉姆斯.

华盛顿公园 & 人
华盛顿公园 & 人 transforms parks across underserved neighborhoods in D.C. 安全的社区空间.

When the organization was approached about four vacant lots in Columbia Heights, the 非营利组织 Legal Assistance Program matched 华盛顿公园 & 古尔斯顿的人 & Storrs to help acquire the properties. The lots are now the permanent home to 25 organic gardens, 一个果园, 温室, 蝴蝶花园, 贝瑞补丁, and learning spaces used by local groups.
